Tuesday, November 23, 2010


It's been awhile! I am just so tired all the time I never seem to get around to typing an update. So I recently celebrated my birthday..a quarter of a century! WOW! That sounds old! When I think about it though, I have accomplished quite a bit in my old age:) I have graduated college with two degrees, have an awesome full time job, married to a wonderful man, own my own home, and I am expecting a little one! Quite a bit! Soo much to be thankful for! Zach and I have started researching some things for the baby. So much to think about and of course so much money! We are in for a wild ride! It's kind of overwhelming! Next week is a big week. It is our gender scan!!! Zach and I are really excited. I think after next Thurs. it will truly hit us and we will actually start purchasing things and getting the nursery ready. Of course, I would already be done, but Zach keeps reeling me back in. He thinks we should wait until closer. I think this weekend researching things at Babies 'R Us may have changed him a little bit though and he'll let me start soon! I am a little nervous still about the pregnancy. Every one keeps asking me if I've felt the baby. I swear I did a few weeks ago (no it wasn't gas, I'm 25 now I know what gas is!), but I haven't felt it is a long time. The books and websites say I should feel little things now, but I don't. Every time someone asks, it just makes me more nervous. I hope next week I will get to see the little one move on the ultrasound and everything is ok! This week is Thanksgiving! YAY for food! Thursday Zach and I are going to my grandma's and Zach's aunt's to celebrate. We have a second Thanksgiving (my mom and aunt) to go to Saturday. I hope we get lots of leftovers! My work is closed Thursday and Friday for the holiday sooo I decided to take Mon, Tues, and Wed off!! Vacation!! MUCH needed vacation! I loooove staying home and hanging out with Corky! Monday I had to bring my car in to the shop. I needed brakes replaced..yikes! While it was being worked on, I got to hang out with Aunt Val, Uncle Chad, and Lilly! Today I had a tile man over at my house at 8am! He was here two hours fixing tile issues. Finally all of our "problems" are fixed from the 90 day walk through. Now I'm just hanging out with Corky. I am soo tired, but I can't sleep anymore. I seem to get up at the butt-crack of dawn for some reason. All I want to do is nap, but my back keeps cramping and I can't fall asleep! AHH! Well, I think I'll lay down for a bit then on to dishes and laundry! Zach says he's testing me this week with my stay-at-home mom skills :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thank goodness it's Friday!

Yay for Friday! This week has taken fooorrreevvvveeerrrr! I'm so happy it's the weekend. Yesterday Zach and I had our 15 week OB visit! We got to hear the little one's heartbeat. Soo much differen than the 10 week! At the 10 week visit it took a long time with the doppler to find the heartbeat and it was pretty quite to me. This time, it was instant finding the heartbeat and boy was it loud and strong!! 154 bpm! Dr. kept referring to the baby as a she!! HAHA! Zach was trying to correct him! Everyone else seems to think I'm having a boy. I've always said girl so we'll see how good my mother's intuition is:) Our next appointment is December 2. We get to actually see the baby and find out the gender! We aren't going to find out at the appt. We are going to have the ultrasound tech. write it down and we're going to get a cake made with either pink or blue filling and then have our parents over and cut it open and allll find out together! That's the plan at least, unless we see a piece of anatomy on the ultrasound that is undeniable :) This weekend is Camille's bachelorette party! I'm cleaning tonight because everyone is coming here tomorrow! We are starting the party here with a "special" party and then heading out to the clubs! Should be a good weekend!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sick :(

So today stinks! Monday night after work I started feeling sick. I made it through Tuesday of work even though I didn't feel all that good (I would have swore I was swallowing glass chips). We had an inservice Tuesday that I didn't want to miss and I also had a meeting after work. After getting home after the meeting I pretty much crumbled. I ended up going to bed around 8:30 and then woke up at 4:30 with Zach. Boy did I NOT feel good! I stared at the wall until 6 when I decided to call my boss and tell her I would not be into work. Today I have felt like complete crap! I hope I get better soon especially for this baby of mine. I kind of feel guilty feeling bad..I hope it's not rubbing off on the little one. I hate being sick...I have a fear of the doctor's office so that doesn't help either. I like to get over it on mine own:) I feel like a blob today. I have just laid on the couch all day sipping fluids and eating what I can. To make matters worse, I'm sick on Zach's birthday! He is the big 2-7 today! Such an old man. Not sure what we'll do tonight since I'm going to suck as a wife with this sickness. I asked if he wanted to carry out a special dinner and he said no so we'll see what happens. The original gift I got him (a trimmer and edger) that he asked for, he ended up taking back...booo! Soo he is getting the classic socks and undies until I can think of something else. He is wanting big house purchases right now that I can't afford so I'm trying to think of something he will really like that is more in budget. Trust me, if I could get him everything he wanted, I would, he deserves it. Until then...socks and undies:) Well I'm gonna hit the couch again.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Funday

So this has been a pretty good weekend so far...Friday night Adam and Lindsay invited us over for dinner. It was great to catch up with them..it had been forever! Annnd Lindsay is an AMAZING cook! Homemade chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin cheesecake. We loooved it! Thanks so much you guys! Sorry I fell asleep though! I don't make it very long into the night anymore! Saturday Zach and I cleaned, cleaned, cleaned! It was a complete makeover of the house. Corky even got cleaned too! I love a clean house, makes me feel so good! Camille's bachelorette party is starting here so I have to keep it in tip top shape! Yesterday Zachary had a Y-ball game. I actually like going to them and watching him play. He always does soo well! Also I get to see the wives of all Zach's friends so that is always nice! Afeter the game, Zach and I went to Applebees with Dave. He's such a great guy--always in a good mood! Today we are going to Aunt Valerie and Uncle Chad's to play games and eat chili. Should be a good day filled with family and laughs!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We're baaaack!

Ok so it has been forever!! Zach and I just checked into reality again and got TV and internet! It's been two years! AHHH! I don't know what to do! I went out to dinner tonight with friends while Zach was home setting up the electronics and have only been back for about an hour and have not stopped admiring our new found connection to the world! Now that I don't have to search the internet on a screen the size of my palm (my phone), I will actually update the blog and let ya'll know what is going on in Zach and I's life. Welll, the house is finished. We love it (minus all the bills that come with owning a home). We are still trying to make it a "home." We still have quite a bit of decorating to do and definately some lawn work to do. Corky is adjusting too! He likes his back yard! We definately need to get a fence up so he can hang outside even more (we have a neighbor dog and Corky is not found of other male dogs). Another update---Zach passed his test! He is officially Dr. Beiswanger. He likes to remind me of this everyday :) Zach is working full-time at Lutheran and seems to love it, minus the drive. I am still at PET Fusion and love it! I just recently passed the PET certification. Pretty exciting stuff! I'm the 13th in our state! Toot toot (that's me tooting my own horn:))Anooother update...Zach and I are expecting! Yay! It was kind of unexpected, but we're super happy about it! I am 13 weeks! Still kinda early, but it was really hard to keep it in. I am actually already showing...I'm shocked! Everyone always said oh you probably won't look pregnant until you're 4-5 months..WRONG!! I'm only 13 weeks and you'd swear I was like 6 months pregnant! I'm convinced they missed a child in there during the ultrasound or I have an abnormally large child growing! Noooww while we're still trying to get the necessities in our home i.e. a dining table, lights, etc. we get to start decorating the nursery! Zach does not want to find out the sex of the baby, but I really do..we'll see who crumbles! Well, I'm going to check out for now!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Whoo hooo!

Hello again! Sooo I'm back at Barnes and Noble trying to update my iPhone again!!! It took forever last time that I just stopped it and went home. I didn't have any plans today so what better way to spend a chilly Saturday than at the bookstore waiting on my freaking phone to update! I can NOT wait until I have internet at home! Speaking of home...I got a call today and our house is FRAMED and half of the roof trusses are up! I can't wait to go and see it! Last time I saw it there was only a slab..what a difference a few days can make! Zach hasn't even seen the slab so it will be a HUGE difference for him! Update on Zach...he is officially done with clinic! Now just two weeks until D-Day!! Last night Zach and I got to hang out with our friends Adam and Lindsay. We went to Granite City and then hung out at our house playing games. Tonight we are going to go out for my cousin's birthday...the big 17 I believe! Wow...remember the good ole days! So much has changed since we were 17! Now everyone I know is married, getting married, or having kids! Crazy! Zach and I are just starting our lives since he is juust graduating from his 8 years of college! Our big addition to the family will probably be a dog before we have a kid! Welll enough for now!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Man is it HOT out!! 83 and SUNNY!! Whoo hoo! Well it's been awhile...Haven't had a chance to access the internet! I can try to post from my phone but it takes FOREVER and it's suuuper tiny when I'm trying to write! I'm just hanging out at Barnes and Noble drinking coffee--yum!! Zach works late tonight so I get to hang by myself all evening. This is Zach's last week of clinic! Next week he has off to do NOTHING! (Actually I think he has some research project he has to do :)) Next Friday he leaves for Indy for board review and his research project presentation annnnd GRADUATION on the 30th! Theeen we are leaving on the 1st for NY! A muuuch needed vacation! What have I been up to?? Working! Whoo hoo! Actually I really love my job! We are in some transitions right now because of a staff member's medical leave. We are all adjusting and working as a team to get through! I also have been working with a CT tech to try and improve our process in the dept. Exciting! I love new responsibilities..makes me feel needed! :) Update on the house...we have a slab!! Yay! Our wood has been delivered and they are to start framing tomorrow or Monday. Monday we have a builder's meeting to go over the plans and make sure we are on the same page as the builder. Zach and I go out and check out the progress pretty frequently. We "walked" through and it feels small:( I guess that is what everyone says though when you just have a floor and no walls! I took Corky over to visit his new home! He loooved exploring and peeing on the neighbor's shrubs! Zach and I recently helped my mom move into a new apt. (right across the street from her sister)! I hope this turns out to be a good thing for her..she deserves it! Zach and I are thinking (well I'M doing most of the thinking) about getting another dog:) We saw a dog in Albion called a Bugg (Boston Terrier and Pug) and it was sooo cute! There is a woman close to Ft. Wayne that breeds them and they are not expensive at all. I think it's time Corky has a buddy. We would look into getting a girl since Corky likes to beat up boys! Welll I'm gonna cut out now...just gonna hang here enjoying my coffee and wait for ITunes to download so I can FINALLY update my phone!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Soo today started out eventful...woke up with a crap ton of ants in our bathroom..WHAT? Zach and I then proceeded to clean the entire bathroom fast and furiously to get the suckers out. However, when we would go back and check every so often, the stupid things were back! I was an ant killing fool this morning. Zach headed to the grocery to get ant traps and our weeks worth of food while I stayed home doing laundry--yuck! I got to hangout with Corky though! I put on some nice Easter music, read a magazine, put dishes away, and relaxed! When Zach got back (after going to two stores because Meijer was out if the freaking ant traps) I made French toast! Yum! Now we're just lounging. I'm trying to get the motivation to get around because we have Easter dinner at A Vizzle and U Chizzle's tonight. Well that's all for now!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 1

So this is the official start of our blog! I am doing this kinda on my own :) I just thought it would be a great idea to keep family and friends connected to us since all of our lives are changing and paths are getting harder to cross. Zach kind of smirked at the idea, but I think he secretly likes it! Sooo our lives...wow! So much is going on right now.  Zach has 2 weeks left of his internship for Physical Therapy school and then he only has one week after that before graduation. 8 years of college down, real world watch out! Zach Beiswanger, DPT finally! Sounds so good! All of his hard work has paid off and I am so proud! Zach will be working at Lutheran as a full-time physical therapist starting in June.  He decided to take a month off after graduation to take a much needed vacation and to study for the PT boards before he starts working for the rest of his life! Right now I am working full-time at P.E.T. Fusion Imaging as a nuclear medicine technologist.  I have been out in the workforce for a little over a year and I love it! I love my job! It was kind of handed to me and I could not be more blessed with the facility and the people I work with (both staff and patients)! While Zach and I are preparing for his graduation we are also in the process of building our first home! Exciting! We started looking for a starter home so that when he graduates we can move out of our townhome and have our own home.  Let it be known, Zach and I are picky : ) NOTHING was suiting our interest so we decided to build! Crazy! We are hoping to get it all done and still be lucky enough to get the first time homebuyer's tax credit! Cross your fingers! This will be a whirlwind summer...Well I think this is enough for a first post...guess I have to ease into this...I"ll be keeping you updated on our life as Mr. and Mrs. Beiswanger!